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/ AppleScript - The Beta Release / AppleScript - The Beta Release_back.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1992-01-01  |  9MB  |  6000x4000
Labels: bannister | book | box | cassette tape | poster | table
OCR: Apple Developer Group AppleScript The DIGIPAK* 1992 trademark of The full text of the s agree to abide by the Important: D Packgei Apple Apple Computer: oftware term Computer aPo Inc license and cond Inc Apple and the itions registerx AGIINCORPORATEDUS.PaL therein agreement is contained lintheus Appleloo are orretum No. and 4.719,812 thi other registerec at the hack of theCD rcountries CD-ROM disc to the trademarks and Printed in -ROM booklet the U.S ArpleSoript is a place of acquisition You must back boklet Applelox regisrered